Gemstone Healing

Stones and crystals offer us the opportunity to bring more balance and healing on a deep emotional level. I have used them for my own healing journey and have seen powerful results with many of my jewelry customers over the years. As one customer recently said:

"I did already mention it, I know, but it still marvels me how much my ( your ) 'Mood Lifter' necklace aquamarine center stone soothes, and reassures me especially when I'm focusing or anxious, I hold it and go over and over it's smooth contours and facets with my fingers or simply envelope it's magnificence in my palm."

Why do stones and crystals work so well as healing tools? It's due to their unique stable structure which allows electromagnetic energies to flow through them in a way that is powerful and efficient.  It's the reason why silicon chips are used to provide memory in computers. It's also the reason Quartz crystals can be used for watches and clocks, and radios.

With this basic principle, it's not hard to imagine that they are also capable of transforming and or amplifying other forms of energy. Another fascinating discovery is that the DNA molecule present in each cell of all living organisms is itself a hexagonal crystal structure! This connection makes it easier to understand how an energy flow from a stone can  be received and perceived by our own mind/body, similar to how a crystal radio receives the signals from the broadcast tower.

The idea of unlocking our spiritual potential through the use of stones, connecting us with  the source of life energy itself, is not a new concept. Indigenous cultures around the world, most notably the Hopi Native Americans, and Burma have believed Quartz Crystals to be living entities and presented them with food as ritual offerings.  In Scotland and Ireland, spheres of rock crystal were long used to cure diseases in cattle.  The ancient Japanese, believed Quartz represented perfection. Quartz played valuable roles in the rain rituals of Native Americans and Australian Aborigines. The Egyptian goddess Isis was said to protect the dead with a Carnelian amulet named Thet.  In  Greek Mythology, it  states that Amethyst is a stone capable of granting spiritual protection from intoxication and also speaks of Garnet as a stone that can, through divine influence, heal emotional rifts between lovers.

For each piece made for you, I cleanse and clear the energy of each stone I use and charge it with healing energy from Source and the Crystalline matrix of our planet, to enhance it’s healing potential as a tool for your spiritual path.

Heart healing stones

Heart Healing

  • Pink Tourmaline: This is the mother of heart-chakras stones! It represents the feminine, or yin energies. It is the most powerful stone for healing old emotional wounds, particularly those of childhood. It radiates a soft, soothing energy; giving one the feelings of comfort, safety and nurturance. Wonderful to use in mediation by wearing the stone near the heart chakra and visualizing a pink light radiating from the stone which then encompasses the body in a pink bubble. This infuses the entire emotional body with love. Wearing Pink Tourmaline turns one into a beacon of its loving and healing energies, making it hard for others to project negativity in one's direction.

  • Kunzite: Brings love to one's life and also rekindle's old love, teaches patience, helps with communicating with one's guardian angels. Awakens the heart, allows for the grounding of high-frequency energy through the heart, clearing disharmonious emotional patterns. Teaches unconditional love by connecting with the frequency of Divine love. Brings stress relief, joy. Contains lithium therefore is beneficial for calming the emotions.

  • Prasiolite: Awakens and heals the heart chakra. Inspires creativity, attracts success prosperity and abundance. Helps to overcome exhaustion, is extremely renewing for one's energy level and yet it also calms hyperactivity. Fosters compassion, self- acceptance and self- honor, enables one to share and receive the energy of LOVE.

  • Pink Sapphire: Helps one to feel more courageous in opening up to love and overcoming wounds from past emotional trauma.

  • Watermelon Tourmaline: Teaches one the meaning of joy- that unbounded happiness which is the natural state of the self. It teaches that when one is in connection with the natural state of joy, harmony is created. It is calming and quickly counters anger or resentment. It's wonderful for tuning into the heart and helps to generate a powerful energetic field of love and compassion that can heal on all levels. Helps to reduce patterns of drama. It is high in lithium helping the mind to stay calm and centered.

  • Green Tourmaline: Super potent for self healing especially in regards to healing the heart chakra and thereby the physical heart. Because the heart is the center of one's being, bringing harmony to that chakra creates a flow of wholesome energy to all parts of the self. It calms the nervous system and emotions. It brings an invigorating energy of growth and expansion to the emotional body. It can help one to become less inhibited and more expressive. It helps with letting go of fear of change.

  • Chrysoprase : This is a heart healing stone, helping one work through emotional imbalances. It helps us to release attachment to fear-based emotions, belief systems and actions. Stimulates the heart chakra, fostering positive, healing thoughts toward each other and the earth. Enhances compassion for oneself and others, helps to identify and clear old patterns in relationships that don't serve any longer. It is also excellent for prosperity and is a love attractor. Helps one to overcome bitterness and past disappointment.

  • Green Aventurine: A stone of "good luck" and is suggested for those who wish to manifest greater prosperity. Helps one to find hope, optimism, and joy in daily life. Assists in staying heart centered and to peacefully navigate difficult emotional experiences. Helps one to release attachments to past relationships or life situations and to embrace change, growth and renewal.

Abundance stones…


  • Emerald: Helps in experiencing true abundance; abundance of radiant health, love, and wealth; increasing one's faith. Powerful for shifting poverty consciousness to abundance consciousness. It is a wonderful emotional healer. Helps to overcome feelings of unworthiness, fear of scarcity and abandonment. Helps one to let go of judgements.

  • Citrine: Citrine energizes every level of life. It cleanses the chakras and opens the intuition. It attracts wealth, prosperity and success. It imparts joy, wonder, delight and enthusiasm. Raises self-esteem and self-confidence. Stimulates the brain, strengthening the intellect. Citrine promotes motivation, activates creativity and encourages self-expression. Enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind. It releases negative traits, depression, fears and phobias. Emotionally balancing. Inspires creative endeavors.

  • Heliodor: A crystal of golden light, Heliodor radiates the warmth and power of sunshine, the illumination of higher thought, and a centered, more vibrant physical well-being. Its name literally translates from the Greek as a gift of the sun. It invokes the celestial Golden Ray of knowledge and learning, to stimulate the higher mind and enable the brain to function more efficiently. It is a stone of true nobility and selfless leadership, and allows one to make decisions based on wisdom instead of emotion or reaction. It helps with assertiveness, self-confidence, manifestation, physical and mental strength, benevolence and power. It helps one to gain strength in pursuing one's goals and dreams; overcoming confusion of one's purpose in life.

  • Prasiolite: Awakens and heals the heart chakra. Inspires creativity, attracts success prosperity and abundance. Helps to overcome exhaustion, is extremely renewing for one's energy level and yet it also calms hyperactivity. Fosters compassion, self- acceptance and self- honor, enables one to share and receive the energy of LOVE.

  • Yellow Sapphire: Brings abundance, strength of will, joy, creativity, and a positive mind set.

  • Green Aventurine: A stone of "good luck" and is suggested for those who wish to manifest greater prosperity. Helps one to find hope, optimism, and joy in daily life. Assists in staying heart centered and to peacefully navigate difficult emotional experiences. Helps one to release attachments to past relationships or life situations and to embrace change, growth and renewal.

Deep Peace, Joy, Feeling Centered

  • Tanzanite: Generates an energy of happiness and relief from worries, allowing insight into emotional issues. It inspires one in feeling more compassionate, loving and centered. It is good to wear Tanzanite as jewelry because in making it visible to others, it spreads the self-awakening Tanzanite can bring. It has the ability to bring one's consciousness to a permanently higher state. It integrates the mind with the heart, creating wholeness. Once the mind understands what the neglected hearts has to offer, there is no going back!

  • Amethyst: Is a "Stone of Spirituality and Contentment" It bestows stability, strength, invigoration, and peace; that feeling of connection which was present prior to birth. It enhances the intuition and controls temperament by imparting a soothing, calming, and tranquilizing influence. It has, since historic times, been used to encourage and support sobriety. It is also known to be highly effective for Spiritual protection.

  • Watermelon Tourmaline: Teaches one the meaning of joy- that unbounded happiness which is the natural state of the self. It teaches that when one is in connection with the natural state of joy, harmony is created. It is calming and quickly counters anger or resentment. It's wonderful for tuning into the heart and helps to generate a powerful energetic field of love and compassion that can heal on all levels. Helps to reduce patterns of drama. It is high in lithium helping the mind to stay calm and centered.

  • Blue Kyanite : This stone has a high vibration allowing one to be open to receiving information from higher sources. It's a stone for accessing one's highest truth. It aligns all the chakras. Brigns tranquility and a calming effect to one's whole being.

  • Goshenite: Aids in spiritual transformation by opening up the crown chakra . When used in meditation, helps one to connect with one's spirit guides and the angelic realm. This stone will enhance the power of your prayers when you are asking for help, as Goshenite has a strong energy that intensifies the power of prayer and of gratitude expressed to spirit. Helps on to align with the truth of things.

  • Selenite: Selenite stimulates the emotional body an compels one to move forward with one's life. Connects one with one's angels and spirit guides. Clears any blockages in the upper three chakras, clearing the mind. Aligns all the chakras, bringing a sense of centeredness and calm.

  • Kunzite: Brings love to one's life and also rekindle's old love, teaches patience, helps with communicating with one's guardian angels. Awakens the heart, allows for the grounding of high-frequency energy through the heart, clearing disharmonious emotional patterns. Teaches unconditional love by connecting with the frequency of Divine love. Brings stress relief, joy. Contains lithium therefore is beneficial for calming the emotions.

Courage, Confidence and the Divine Feminine

  • Aquamarine: This stone helps one to attune to more spiritual levels of awareness. It emits a gentle and compassionate energy; it helps judgmental people become more tolerant. It stimulates, activates, and cleanses the throat chakra, facilitating communication of a higher quality; it gives a one courage to speak her truth. It protects the auric field. It brings stress relief, balances the emotional body and helps with the grieving process.

  • Rainbow Moonstone:The energy of this stone is balancing, introspective, reflective, and lunar. It is excellent for aiding women in fine tuning and trusting their intuition.It alleviates emotional tension and enhances creativity and self-expression. Enhances joy and wards of negativity acting as a prism that diffuses energy throughout the aura. It's particularly good for psychic protection and for maintaining a clarity of energy while working on an intuitive level.It stimulates confidence and composure and allows one to understand that there is no situation so difficult that it cannot be countered with diplomacy.It is a "traveler's stone"; used for protection against the perils of travel. It is also a talisman of good fortune. It enhances fertility, eases P.M.S. and change of life; excellent for a woman's hormonal system.

  • Iolite: Iolite empowers one to envision solutions to seemingly insurmountable emotional problems. It can give one hope in difficult circumstances and can assist in perceiving how best to proceed. It does this by helping one to align with one's higher self; enhancing intuition. Iolite encourages a positive, calm and clear mind in the midst of adversity. It clears negative thought patterns. Aids in understanding and releasing the causes of addiction. Helps you to express your true self, free from the expectations of others. Iolite releases discord within relationships. It encourages taking responsibility for yourself, overcoming codependency within your partnership.

  • Ruby: Encourages passion and a zest for life. Balances the heart and instills confidence. Improves motivation and helps to accomplish goals. Encourages joy, laughter, courage, and spontaneity.

  • Turquoise: Helps one to let go of past regrets. Strengthens and aligns all chakras, meridians, and subtle bodies. It primarily stimulates the throat, heart, and naval chakras, bringing communication skills to emotional issues, to creativity, and to intuition, while allowing for the application of love in all issues. It is grounding. It is protective; in ancient times it was used to protect against accidents. It is considered, by the Native American Indians, to be both a protective stone and a bestower of goodness.

  • Labradorite: Helps one to realize and achieve the destiny of this life, relieving insecurity and apprehension, while enhancing faith and reliance in oneself. Strengthens one's intuition, psychic powers. It also enhances patience, and an inner knowing of the "right time". Protects one's auric field.

  • Blue Sapphire: Brings awareness, discipline, confidence, strength of mind.


  • Clear Quartz: It can be used to amplify both body energy and thoughts. It assists in the creation of power and can provide for clarity in thinking to enable thoughts to more effectively influence matter. It is said to bring the energy of the stars to the soul. It has been traditionally used to both harmonize and align human energies- thoughts, consciousness, and emotions- with the energies of the universe and to make these greater energies available to humanity.

  • Selenite: Selenite stimulates the emotional body an compels one to move forward with one's life. Connects one with one's angels and spirit guides. Clears any blockages in the upper three chakras, clearing the mind. Aligns all the chakras, bringing a sense of centeredness and calm.

  • Blue Sapphire: Brings awareness, discipline, confidence, strength of mind.

  • Rainbow Moonstone:The energy of this stone is balancing, introspective, reflective, and lunar. It is excellent for aiding women in fine tuning and trusting their intuition.It alleviates emotional tension and enhances creativity and self-expression. Enhances joy and wards of negativity acting as a prism that diffuses energy throughout the aura. It's particularly good for psychic protection and for maintaining a clarity of energy while working on an intuitive level.It stimulates confidence and composure and allows one to understand that there is no situation so difficult that it cannot be countered with diplomacy.It is a "traveler's stone"; used for protection against the perils of travel. It is also a talisman of good fortune. It


  • Gold symbolizes the purity of the spiritual aspect of "all that is". It emits energy to prompt one to allow beauty to come forth from the inner being. It helps one to improve one's character via learning; activating one's potential. It has been used in the development, purification, and balancing of the heart chakra. It also activates the third-eye and crown chakras. It has been known to attract honors, wealth, and happiness, to provide composure, to stabilize the emotional system, to alleviate stress and tension, and to amplify positive thoughts.

Physical Ailments

Please note that this information does not claim to cure any diseases or take the place of western medicine. It is meant to be an enhancement to the healing process.

  • Aquamarine: Helps to counter infection and is especially useful for laryngitis, strep throat or a sore throat. It supports the healing of inflammatory diseases of all types. It quiets the nervous system and helps to curb allergy symptoms.

  • Amethyst: Helps to overcome addictive behavior by improving the clarity of the mind. Balances the nervous system and the brain. It can help with nerve disorders, or brain imbalances. It also supports oxygenation in the blood.

  • Apatite: Soothes headaches and stimulates eyesight.

  • Chrysoprase: Supports general healing and regeneration. It can help in recuperation from degenerative diseases of all types.

  • Citrine: Helpful for digestive issues and metabolism. It can be used to support weight loss and to increase energy during exercise.

  • Emerald: It is a strong heart healer and can assist the physical heart in recovering from all manner of imbalances or diseases.

  • Garnet: Is helpful in recovery from sexually related abuse. It can help in lightening the emotional patterns related to such abuse. These may be stored in the physical body and can lead to later imbalances in the reproductive organs. It is wonderful to use during pregnancy.

  • Goshenite: Supports the healing of headaches, insomnia, sinusitis, and brain imbalances.

  • Heliodor: Is beneficial for any type of gastric or intestinal disorder, and it aids in digestion and assimilation of both energy and food. Revitalizes the physical body.

  • Iolite: Excellent for healing the eyes. Stimulates the memory and assists with sleep imbalances.

  • Kunzite: Excellent support for healing any physical blockage or obstruction. It eases stress and supports the parasympathetic nervous system.

  • Kyanite: Helps in healing the brain from effects of head trauma, seizure or stroke. It can aid in creating new neural pathways around damaged areas.

  • Labradorite: It can help reveal the nature of ‘mystery illnesses.’ It can show the patterns that have created disease and can amplify one’s healing thoughts and prayers.

  • Gold: Assists in instances of sluggish elimination, low physical vitality and depressive tendencies.

  • Rainbow Moonstone: Helps to stabilize female cycles and balance water retention

  • Precious Opal: Strengthens the skin, hair and fingernails. Useful for skin disorders including eczema, psoriasis and rosacea. Helps to counter hair loss.

  • Fire Opal: Excellent for fertility issues. Good for chronic fatigue and hormonal imbalances.

  • Peridot: Alleviates heaviness of heart and all manner of heart related imbalances. Helps to strengthen the blood and can be used to counter anemia and poor oxygenation. Excellent for recovering from tobacco or inhalant addiction.

  • Prasiolite: Excellent for supporting the physical heart. Also useful for digestion, stomach-acid imbalance, assimilation of nutrients and cellular nourishment. It can aid in remedying eating disorders.

  • Clear Quartz: Stimulates the nervous system and the growth of fingernails and hair.

  • Ruby: Used to treat inadequate circulation or energy flow in the feet and legs. Useful for sexual dysfunction and infertility. Assists in weight regulation, particularly where excess weight is held in the body in order to ground one in the physical world.

  • Smoky Quartz: Counters the negative effects of radiation, including sunburn, exposure to radioactive materials, medical radiation therapy and exposure to focused electromagnetic fields.

  • Blue Topaz: Useful for sore throat, speech impediments, fear of public speaking, and general health of neck and throat. Also useful for calming migraines.

  • Black Tourmaline: Helps purify the body of toxins and wastes. It can support the cleansing of heavy metals and environmental pollutants from the body.

  • Pink Tourmaline: Helps to calm and soothe the heart, assisting with angina, irregular heartbeat and recovery from heart attack. It is helpful in balancing brain biochemistry to help promote a balanced mental state.

  • Turquoise: Helps oxygenate the blood and increase the body’s energy.

  • Selenite: Clears or bridges blockages and densities in the energy field. Directs high-frequency energy into the body, stimulating physical healing. Alleviates headaches.


Love is in the Earth – a Kaleidoscope of Crystals  by Melody and The Book of Stones by Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian were used for reference.